SASS, or the Syntactically awesome style sheets is a language for style creation originally designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Natalie Weizenbaum. Subsequently, SASS was extended to include a simple SassScript scripting language that is used in SASS files.
SASS, or the Syntactically awesome style sheets is a language for style creation originally designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Natalie Weizenbaum. Subsequently, SASS was extended to include a simple SassScript scripting language that is used in SASS files.
SASS is one of the scripting languages used for pre-processing and are interpreted or compiled as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). SassScript is another scripting language. Sass consists of two different syntax types.
The original syntax, referred to be the “intended syntax”, uses a syntax similar to Hamlu. It uses an indent to separate blocks of the code and a new line symbol to separate rules. The newer syntax, i.e. SCSS (Sassy CSS), uses block formatting similar to CSS. It uses brackets to separate code blocks and semicolons to separate lines within the block. The intended syntax and SCSS syntax are usually distinguished by a different filename extension .sass and .scss.
SASS is expanding CSS by offering several mechanisms that are available in more traditional programming languages, especially in object-oriented ones. Those languages however aren’t available in CSS3. When SassScript is interpreted, is creates blocks of CSS rules for different sections as defined in Sass file. The Sass interpreter then translates SassScript to CSS. Another option is that Sass monitors .sass or .scss files and translates them into the output of the .css file whenever the file is saved.
The official Sass implementation is open-sourced and is programmed in Ruby. There are other implementations, such as Dart or PHP, as well as high-performance implementation in C which is called libSass. There is also an implementation in Java called Jsass, Vaadin has also the Sass implementation in Java. The intended syntax is metalingual. SCSS is a nested metalanguage, i.e. CSS is a valid SCSS with the same semantics. SASS supports integration with the Firefox extension called Firebug.