AJAX, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is not a programming language, but a technology of development of interactive web applications. Those change their website content without necessity of complete reloading. It uses asynchronous process of websites with the help of library that is written in Javascript. Compared to classical web applications, they provide more suitable environment for the users, disadvantage is, that they require modern web browsers.


Angular is JavaScript web Framework. It focuses on single-page application creation. These apps are created with the help of HTML code, to which are inserted special formatting marks, which then define, which operations or data have to be put on given place. Angular is available freely under MIT license. Nowadays, the biggest contributor is the Google, which was its founder in 2009.


Ansible is open-source software, which creates platform for configuration management and the computer management. It combines multi-node deployment of software, configuration management and ad hoc performing tasks. Ansible uses SSH or PowerShell for the pc management in network. It has minimal demands on the installed software, for Linux nodes can manage with Python 2.4 or higher and nodes with MS Windows with PowerShell 3.0 or higher.

Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra is open-source, distributed database system. It is NoSQL system and it saves wide columns. It serves for the processing of great volume of data throughout commodity servers. It offers high availability with the absence of failure through one point. Cassandra offers robust support of clusters throughout different data centres with asynchronous replication without the control computer. It allows the low latency of operations for all the clients.

Apache Flink

Apache Flink is open-source Framework for streaming processing, which was developed by Apache Software Foundation. The core of Apache Flink is engine for distributed streaming of data flow, which is written in Java and Scala. Flink executes programs of data flow in data parallel pipeline model. Pipeline runtime system used in Flink allows bulk or batch services execution and streaming programs processing. Furthermore, Flink has native support from iterative algorithms.

Apache Hadoop

Apache Hadoop is a file of open-source tools, which have a goal to simplify the network usage of many computers to solving problems, which include significant volumes of data and calculations. It offers software Framework for distributed saving and processing of big data with the help of programming model MapReduce.

Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is open-source software platform for stream processing, which was developed by Apache Software Foundation. It is written in Scala and Java. Projects tries to create unified platforms with high throughput and low latency for data flow processing in the real time.

Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat, often called Tomcat Server, is an open-source Java Servlet container, which is developed by Apache Software Foundation. Tomcat implements a few JAVA EE specifications including Java servlet, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java EL or WebSocket. It offers purely Java http web server, on which is possible to execute code written in Java.


Blockchain is special type of distributed decentralized database. It has constantly expanding number of records, which are against the unauthorized interference protected from outside and from the individual nodes of peer-to-peer network.


Buffalo is a web Framework in Go. It‘s not trying to rediscover the wheel in processes such as routing or templates. Instead, it is a kind of glue that connects all the best packages available and allows them to be connected effectively.

Cloud Foundry

Cloud Foundry is open-source multi-cloud Pass application, i. e. platform as a service. It is managed by Cloud Foundry Foundation. Software was originally developed by VMware company.


Docker is a computer program that enables virtualization at the level of the operating system, the so-called containerization. It was first released in 2013 and it is developed by Docker, Inc.


Elasticsearch is full-text search, which is based on Apache Lucene. It has RESTful interface and can offer high availability, speed and scalability. It is being developed in Java and can communicate with it with the usage of web interface. It spreads with the usage of Apache license freely.


Firebird, i. e. Firebird SQL, is in IT the name of relational database implementation. It is multiplatform, which means, it runs on different Unix systems including Linus or even on MS Windows. Firebird originated in 2000 on the base of open source InterBase database, which was created by Borland company.



GIT is a distributed version management system created by Linus Torvalds to develop the Linux kernel. Git influenced the Bit Keeper project which was previously used to develop the Linux kernel and Monotone. Currently, GIT is widespread among known projects, it is used for the Linux kernel, X.Org or Ruby on Rails. The project is managed by Junio Haman and distributed under GPL version 2. It is an open source software.


Heroku is a cloud PaaS platform (Platform as a Service), which supports a few programming languages. It is one of the first cloud platforms, because it was being developed already from June 2007. In that time, it only supported Ruby but now it includes the Java, Node.js, Scala, Closure, Python, PHP and Go support. From that reason it is called “polyglot platform”, because it allows developers to build, execute and scale applications the similar way throughout all languages. Heroku was bought in 2010 by Salesforcel.com company.


Hibernate is Framework, which is written in Java. It allows object-relational mapping (ORM). It can simplify the data retention of objects after finishing the data’s run. It is one of the Java Persistence API (JPA) implementation. The original creator of Hibernate is Gavin King, who then with his Hibernate went to the JBoss company. In 2006, the JBoss company was taken over by Red Hat company, which continued with the framework’s development.


InterBase is a name of the proprietary relational database developed by Borland. InterBase is available for Microsoft Windows, Linux and Solaris operating systems. In 2000 it was briefly released as an open source and on these principles a Firebird database server was created. Subsequently Borland company ended the open development and returned to the closed model.


J2EE, or in the newest versions of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or just Java EE, is a JAVA platform, which is intended for the development and operation of the business information systems and applications. The basis of this platform is SE platform.


Jenkins is open-source automation server, which is written in Java. Jenkins helps automate part of the process of software development with continual integration and simplifies technical aspects of continual deliveries. It is a server system, which runs on servlet containers as is Apache Tomcat.


Jetty is a http server in Java and Java Servlet container. Whilst web servers are often connected with ensuring the access to documents, Jetty is often used for communication between two machines, usually with bigger software framework. Jetty is an open-source project by Eclipse Foundation.


JMS or Java Message Service API is MOM (Message Oriented Middleware) middleware oriented on Java messages, which sends messages between two or more clients. It is implementation, which has the task to solve problem between producer and consumer. MOM products ensure integration among applications. They allow the business components to function together and to be able to create comprehensive, flexible and reliable system. They are completely different components but thanks to the mediator, they can communicate together with the help of messages.


jQuery is javascript library, which has a wide browser support and it emphasizes most importantly the interaction between JavaScript and HTML. John Resig published it in January 2006 on BarCamp NYC. It is an open source software licensed under MIT. jQuery’s popularity has risen dramatically during a short time and is currently one of the most favourite tools while developing websites and applications.


JSP (JavaServer Pages) is a technology, which is intended for the development of dynamical HTML pages and is based on the Java language. Originally it was developed in Sun, then it was bought by an Oracle company. When creating, primarily are used HTML and Java, which is inserted in the HTML code. On the side of the server is then inserted the generated HTML file instead of Java, so it is a similar principal as in the PHP case. The extension of the files is .jsp.


Kubernetes is an open-source system for container orchestration for automatic deployment, scaling and container application management. Originally it was designed by Google and now is managed by Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Its goal is to create a platform for automatized deployment, scaling and operations on application containers throughout host clusters. It works with wide scale of container tools as is e. g. Docker.


Laravel is open source PHP Framework, which is intended for web application development. Taylor Otwell is its developer. First release was in 2012. It has a MIT license. It uses MVC software architecture, i. e. Model-View-Controller. It is typical with being optimized pro real world and offers many procedures, which are often used during the web application development.


Magneto is an e-commerce platform written in PHP. Originally, the software was developed by Varien. The first release dates back to 2008. The purpose of the framework is to increase user involvement, to improve the orientation on the webpage, better conversion and generated earnings for shop owners.


MapReduce is a programming model and a process implementation and generating of big-data sets with parallel distributed cluster algorithm linked to this programming model.


.NET Framework is technology platform in software products. It was developed by Microsoft company and it is primarily intended for Microsoft Windows. It contains wide library of classes named Framework Class Library (FCL). It allows interoperability across a few programming languages, i. e. every language can use code written in another. Programs written for .NET Framework are executed in software environment, which is named as Common Language Runtime (CLR), application virtual machine, which offers services as security, memory management and solving exceptions. Therefore, the pc code, written in framework .NET, is called controlled managed code.



Nette is an open source framework designed to create web applications in PHP. Its mission is primarily the elimination of safety risks. It supports AJAX, DRY, KISS, MVC and the code re-usability. It uses event-controlled programming and is largely based on the use of components. The original author of the framework is David Grudl, its subsequent development is supervised by Nette Foundation. Nette Framework is an open source software offered under the GNU GPL licences and Nette licence which is alternative to the original four-stroke BSD licence.


Nginx is a software web server that has load management and reverse proxy with open source code. It works with http, https, SMTP, POP3, IMAP or SSL protocols. The focus is mainly on high performance, along with low memory requirements. Nginx is available on Unix-like systems under the BSD, such as UNIX, Linux, but is also available for Solaris, macOS or MS Windows.

Node JS

Node JS is an open source software system, which has been created for the purposes of writing highly scaled internet applications, mainly of web servers. Programs are written in the JavaScript language, they use the model of events and asynchronous operations for the minimal processor usage and maximum effectiveness.

OAuth 2

OAuth is a new generation of the OAuth protocol. It was originally created in 2006 and it is an open protocol aimed to ensure the authentication and authorisation, unlike other services’ API. OAuth 2 focuses primarily on the simplicity of client development, offering specific authorisation procedures for web applications, desktop applications, mobile phones and other smart devices.


OmniGraffle is an application designed to create diagrams and digital illustration on macOS and iOS. It was created by The OmniGroup. It is used to create graphics and visualisations. The app contains several design tools, including WYSIWYG view, where you can create objects by dragging the mouse. It also offers the possibility of adding notes, creating documentation and specification for all prototypes and mock-ups. OmniGraffle’s main competitor is Microsoft Visio.


OpenStack is an open-source platform for cloud solutions. This platform is usually deployed in the IaaS form (infrastructure-as-a-service), where virtual servers and other resources are mediated to customers.


PHPUnit is a Framework designed to write unit tests in the PHP programming language. It belongs to the family of unit tests that are built on the xUnit architecture.


React is javascript library, which is designed for building user interface. It is managed by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies.


Redux is an open-source JavaScript library used to manage the state of the application. It is one of libraries most commonly used with React or Angular to build user interfaces. It was created by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark and was inspired by the Flux architecture of Facebook.

Rest API

REST, or the representational state transfer, is a way to simply create, read, edit or delete information from the server using simple http calls.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is Framework, which is used for web apps connected to database development, which are built-up on the model-view-controller architecture. This framework was created by David Heinemeier Hansson, Danish programmer, within his work on project Basecamp and was firstly released in July 2004. The main breakthrough happened in 2006, when Apple announced, that it will distribute Ruby on Rails with new version of their own operating system OS X v10.5 “Leopard”.


SAP HANA is the SAP’S application and database platforms. It allows the rapid processing of larger data volumes in real time in their current immediate analysis. This makes it possible to obtain a very quick response to questions, the processing of which can take thousands of times longer in a typical session database.


Selenium is a tool used to create automatic testing of web applications. This tool consists of several components (Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid) that complement each other. It has been developed in Java programming language and can be used to test different programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby or Scala.


SOA, or the service-oriented architecture, is a software design style for which services are made available to other components though a network communication protocol. The basic principle of a service-oriented architecture is that is isn’t dependent on suppliers, products and technologies. The service is a discrete functionality unit that can be accessed remotely and can be run and updated independently, such as online credit card statement.


Spring is a popular open-source Framework for developing J2EE applications. Its first version has been written by Rod Johnson who published it with his book Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development in October 2002. It was first released under the Apache 2.0 licence in June 2003.


Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, or SSAS is an online analytic processing (OLAP) and data mining tool in Microsoft SQL Server. Companies use this tool to analyse information that can be spread between multiple databases or in separate tables or files.


Apache Subversion, or formerly Subversion, in short SVN is a system in charge of managing and verging source codes. It replaces an older CVS tool, with which it retains a similar way and style of work but tries to get rid of its shortcomings, such as the impossibility of moving or copying directories, the time and space demands of branching and tagging.


Symfony is a web application Framework. This Framework is used for the development of web applications for PHP based on the MVC design. All this Framework is largely inspired by other web application frameworks, including Ruby on Rails, Django or Spring. Symfony is an open-source Framework distributed under the MIT licence, its development is sponsored by the French firm Sensio Labs in Paris.


Vagrant is an open-source software used to build and maintain a portable virtual environment for software development, such as VirtualBox, Hyper-V, Docker containers, Vmware or AWS which try to simplify the software configuration management and virtualisation. It is thus attempting to achieve higher development productivity. Vagrant is written in Ruby, but its ecosystem supports development in different languages, such as PHP, Python, C#, Java or Javascript.

Vue JS

Vue.js was created by Evan You, after he worked for Google, and used on many projects AngularJS. Author has wanted to use what has been working on Angular and on these basics, he has built something very relieved. The original release happened in February 2014.


WordPress is an open-source editorial publishing system written in PHP and MySQL. It is available under the GNU GPL licence. It has a wide user and development community.


Yii is a relatively young framework for PHP which is open-source and relative powerful. It is used to develop large web applications. The emphasis is mainly on pragmatism, re-usability and simplicity of use. It is a strictly object-oriented system. All components are independent, configurable and extensible.


Zend is an open-source Framework that is object-oriented and is designed to simplify the development of web applications. It is implemented inPHP5 and licensed under the New BSD license. It uses modular architecture to enable developers to use only the components they need.