Python is multi-level script programming language, which was introduced by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It includes the dynamical control of data types and supports different programming paradigms: object-oriented programming, imperative programming, procedural programming or functional programming.
Python is multi-level script programming language, which was introduced by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It includes the dynamical control of data types and supports different programming paradigms: object-oriented programming, imperative programming, procedural programming or functional programming.
Python is developed as open source project, which allows without fees the installation packages for most of the common platforms, among which belongs for example Unix, MS Windows, MacOS or Android. In most of the distributions of GNU/Linux systems is Python the basic part of installation.
It implements application server Zope, installer and most of the configuration tools of the Linux distribution from Red Hat company.
Python is dynamically interpreted language. Allows the creation of extensive, full-fledged applications including graphical user interface.
Language is very simple in terms of learning and is being recommended as one of the most suitable programming languages for beginners. Simultaneously it is not a language, which would not be suitable for practice. The main advantage is cleanliness and simplicity of syntax.
Python chose for their apps such giants as Yahoo, Google, IBM, NASA, Nokia or Disney.
Python’s significant feature is productivity in terms of speed of development, which applies to smaller apps but also to extensive systems. The significant simplification at the smaller programmes is the brief writing. At bigger programmes, it uses native support of the namespaces, using exceptions or native support of unit tests. There is also available a very wide scale of accessible libraries, which simplify the solution of many tasks.
Python is possible to insert to other apps, where can serve as their script language. The example of this usage is 3D program Blender, PC game Civilization IV, office package or text editor Vim.
It is easy to learn. The code is easily readable and even a beginner developer can learn it easily. It can execute a lot of complex functionalities with the help of standard libraries.
It supports different systems and platforms.
Versatility. With the help of Raspberry Pi is possible to create software for cameras, radios or games.
Many available frameworks. Programming with the help of Python is flexible, because there is available large number of frameworks for it. Django is the most used out of all of them for the web apps development.
Fast development. For building the app is needed less of code. Even smaller team can work with Python effectively.
Large number of available sources. Python is very popular and there is an available wide scale of libraries and manual to it.
Built-in testing Framework. Error correction is thanks to that faster and more comfortable.
Python is very versatile script language, which is besides the app development used in data modelling. It can provide fast solution of simple apps and even complex functional units. It supports the development throughout different systems and platforms and has many accessible libraries. Its speed, memory, graphics and the options of parallel processing are limited. It is not very suitable for development of mobile applications.