LESS is dynamic preprocessor style language, which can be compiled to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). It can be executed by client or server. It was designed by Alexis Sellier and it was influenced by SASS and it also influenced the new SCSS syntax, which uses block syntax that is similar to CSS.
LESS is dynamic preprocessor style language, which can be compiled to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). It can be executed by client or server. It was designed by Alexis Sellier and it was influenced by SASS and it also influenced the new SCSS syntax, which uses block syntax that is similar to CSS.
LESS is open-source and was originally programmed in Ruby, in later versions was the Ruby’s usage replaced by JavaScript. LESS is nested metalanguage, because the valid CSS file is also valid LESS code with the same semantics. LESS in itself includes the following elements: variables, nesting, mixins, operators and functions. Main difference between LESS and other CSS pre-processors is that LESS allows compilation in real time with the usage of less.js directly in browser.
SASS and LESS are CSS pre-processors, which allow writing clean CSS in programming construct instead of statistic rules.
LESS is inspired by SASS. SASS was originally designed so it would simplify and extended CSS, therefore it removed curly brackets from writing. LESS, on the other hand, was designed to be the most similar to CSS, which led to CSS being able to be used as valid LESS code.
SASS then got inspired by that. In SASS were implemented the second syntax alternative named as SCSS or Sassy CSS.
LESS can be used on sites in different ways. One if the possibilities is inserting the less.js file in JavaScript, which converts code in real time and then the browser returns outputs in CSS. Other alternative is to transfer LESS code to clean CSS and then to load this clean CSS to a page. With this possibility, there aren’t uploaded directly to the page any LESS files and there is no need for JavaScript convertor less.js.