Delphi is integrated graphic development environment from the Borland company, which is meant for app creation on MS Windows platform in Object Pascal language and it is also object-oriented programming language, which has developed from the Object Pascal. Delphi is the language alternative as is the Visual Basic and offers fast and quality development.
Delphi is integrated graphic development environment from the Borland company, which is meant for app creation on MS Windows platform in Object Pascal language and it is also object-oriented programming language, which has developed from the Object Pascal. Delphi is the language alternative as is the Visual Basic and offers fast and quality development.
In the time of creation, it was very modern language. Many features, which were in the beginning perceived as huge comparative advantage, obsoleted over the time. Many programmers believe, that Delphi belongs to a scrap head, because it did not manage, as elegantly as other programming languages, to adapt to changes in programming areas and modernize itself. Nevertheless, in September 2018, Delphi was eleventh on the TIOBE index, which compares the programming languages according to the number of lines in the code, which are written in it.