Redux is an open-source JavaScript library used to manage the state of the application. It is one of libraries most commonly used with React or Angular to build user interfaces. It was created by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark and was inspired by the Flux architecture of Facebook.
Redux is an open-source JavaScript library used to manage the state of the application. It is one of libraries most commonly used with React or Angular to build user interfaces. It was created by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark and was inspired by the Flux architecture of Facebook.
It is very often used along with React but is compatible with many similar frameworks such as Preact or Inferno as well as Angular or pure JavaScript. The main concept of Redux is that the entire application state is stored in one central location. Each application component can have direct access to the application state without having to send props to subsidiaries or use callback functions to send data to parent components.
Redux is a small library with a simple limited API which is designed to be a predictable container for application status. It works similar to the reduction function in the functional programming concept. The development was influenced by the programming language built on the paradigm of the Elm functional programming.
If this is a progressive application that has ambitions to become a medium or large application, it is likely to apply Redux. With smaller applications, you may deal with several problems:
Therefore, the use of the local state is completely problem-free.
However, when it comes to greater application, a similar structure would bear the following disadvantages:
If you choose to use Redux for your application, you may feel that you should store all application data in Redux which is not exactly true. In some cases it is even more appropriate to use a local variable. Generally, if data are less important or are not needed for more than one component, it is more practical to store them locally.