Cloud Foundry is open-source multi-cloud Pass application, i. e. platform as a service. It is managed by Cloud Foundry Foundation. Software was originally developed by VMware company.
Cloud Foundry is open-source multi-cloud Pass application, i. e. platform as a service. It is managed by Cloud Foundry Foundation. Software was originally developed by VMware company.
Cloud Foundry is suitable for projects, which have continuous deliveries, because it supports the whole application’s life cycle, from the original development across all testing fazes. Cloud Foundry has an architecture based on containers and executes applications in random programming language throughout different providers of cloud services. This multi-cloud environment allows developers to use maximally the cloud platform, which suits the best for their application.
Applications, which are deployed on Cloud Foundry, access to external sources through Open Service Broker API.
All external dependencies in platform, as are databases, system for sending messages, file systems and more, are considered as services. Cloud Foundry allows administrators to create service market, from which the users can choose service according to their needs. If the app is deployed to Cloud Foundry, it is also needed to define services.
Cloud Foundry development is supported by Cloud Foundry Foundation, through control over processes, on which the members agreed.
Source code subjects to Apache License 2.0 and contributions come from contribution licenses of individuals and companies.
Cloud Foundry was created on the basis of architecture that is based on containers, thanks to that it can support innovations in containers with the usage of cooperation with other projects and standards as are OCI or CNI.
Cloud Foundry platform is available from Cloud Foundry Foundation as open-source software or from wide scale of commercial providers as software product or within deliveries as service. Cloud Foundry is open-source software, Cloud Foundry deployment includes interface with infrastructure, which uses Cloud Foundry BOSH deployment system, which is another open-source tool and its development is managed by Cloud Foundry Foundation.