MySQL is a data base control system that applies a relational database model. It was created by the Swedish company called MySQL AB, currently owned by Oracle Corporation. The main authors are Michael “Monty” Widenius and David Axmark. MySQL is considered to be one of the most successful pioneer of dual licensing, because it is available both under a free GPL and paid commercial licence.
MySQL is a data base control system that applies a relational database model. It was created by the Swedish company called MySQL AB, currently owned by Oracle Corporation. The main authors are Michael “Monty” Widenius and David Axmark. MySQL is considered to be one of the most successful pioneer of dual licensing, because it is available both under a free GPL and paid commercial licence.
MySQL is a multiplatform database in which communication takes place using the SQL language. Like other SQL databases, it is a SQL dialect with various modifications.
MySQL is relatively frequent among currently used databases because it’s easily implementable, powerful and freely distributable. A combination of GNU/Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP is often deployed to build the basic web server software, the so-called “LAMP technology”.
Since its inception, MySQL has been optimised with emphasis on speed which lead to compromises in the form of the availability of simple backup methods and the fact that it hasn’t supported looks, triggers and stored procedures for a long time. Regarding the fact that their absence became essential for main users of the product – web developers - these features have been added in recent years.
The MySQL server architecture differs from some other database server architectures. The uppermost layer contains services that aren’t unique for MySQL and can serve most of the necessary client / server tools depending on the network.
In the next layer, there is a code for analysis, i.e. parsing, analyse, optimization and for all built-in functions. At this level, all functionality which is subsequently provided through storage engines is concealed.
The third of the layers contains storage engines themselves. They take care of storing and retrieving stored data. The server uses API to communicate with storage engines.